PDNRL No. 18 Christopher Z. Minkowski: Priesthood in Ancient India. A Study of the Maitrāvaruṇa Priest. Vienna 1991, 272p. EUR 26.-


  • Contents

    Preface (9)

    Abbreviations (11)

    Diagrams (13)

    Introduction (17)

    Chapter One: The Maitrāvaruṇa’s Duties in the Animal Sacrifice (39)

    Chapter Two: The Maitrāvaruṇa’s Duties in the Agniṣṭoma (65)

    Chapter Three: Upavaktṛ, Praśāstṛ, Maitrāvaruṇa (111)

    Chapter Four: The Two Divine Hotṛs (129)

    Chapter Five: The Maitrāvaruṇa’s daṇḍa (141)

    Chaper Six: Conclusion (155)

    Appendix One: Critical Edition of the Praiṣādhyāya (169)

    Appendix Two: The Maitrāvaruṇa prayogas (233)

    Bibliography (239)

    Indices (251)

  • Reviews