PDNRL No. 4 Patrick Olivelle: Vāsudevāśrama, Yatidharmaprakāśa. A Treatise on World Renunciation. Critically edited with introduction, annotated translation and appendices. Part II: Translation. Vienna 1977, 231p. EUR 23.-


  • Contents

    Preface (7)

    Note to the Translation (12)

    Abbreviations and Bibliography (13)


    Introduction (19)

    I Place of the Yatidharmaprakāśa in the Sanskrit Literature on Renunciation (21)

    1 Conspectus of Sanskrit Literature on Renunciation (21)

    2 Sources of the Yatidharmaprakāśa (26)

    II Structure and Content of the Yatidharmaprakāśa (28)

    1 Preliminary Discussion on Renunciation (29)

    Definition of Renunciation (30)

    The Authority for Renunciation and Theory of Āśramas (31)

    Qualifications for Renunciation (32)

    Classification of Renouncers (34)

    2 Procedure of Renunciation (37)

    Renunciation of the Dying (44)

    Pupilage (44)

    3 Daily Practices of a Renouncer (45)

    Purification (46)

    Bath and Saṃdhyā Worship (47)

    Begging (47)

    4 Wandering and Rain Residence (48)

    5 Miscellaneous Topics (49)

    Renunciation during the Kali Age (50)


    Translation (53)

    0 Prologue (55)

    1 The Definition of Renunciation (55)

    2 The Means of Valid Knowledge with regard to Renunciation (58)

    3 The Qualification for Renunciation (61)

    4 The Four Classes of Renouncers (63)

    The Kuṭīcaka (64)

    The Bahūdaka (65)

    The Haṃsa (65)

    The Paramahaṃsa (66)

    5 The Procedure of Renunciation (69)

    6 The Penances (70)

    7 The Eight Śrāddhas (72)

    8 Baudhāyana’s Summary of the Subsequent Rites (78)

    9 Entry into Sāvitrī (81)

    10 The Brahmānvādhāna (82)

    11 Preparations for the Vigil (83)

    12 The Morning Rites (83)

    13 Disposal of Sacrificial Vessels (88)

    14 The Virajā Oblation (91)

    15 The Procedure for Persons with and without a Fire (93)

    16 Proclamation of the Praiṣa (95)

    17 Ritual Suicide (96)

    18 Taking Possession of the Belongings (98)

    19 The Pupilage (98)

    20 Renunciation of the Mortally Afflicted (101)

    21 Rite of Renunciation: An Outline (102)

    22 Duties of a Paramahaṃsa (108)

    23 The Study of Vedāntas (110)

    24 Description of Daily Practices (115)

    25 Voiding Urine and Excrement (117)

    26 The Procedure of Purification (118)

    27 Purification of Bodily Impurities other than Excrement and Urine (120)

    28 Rinsings of the Mouth (121)

    29 The Cleaning of Teeth (121)

    30 The Procedure of Sipping (122)

    31 Occasions for Sipping (124)

    32 Occasions for Sipping Twice (125)

    33 Substitutes of Sipping (125)

    34 Control of Breathing (125)

    35 Preliminaries of the Morning Bath (126)

    36 The Bath (128)

    37 The Secondary Forms of Bathing (130)

    38 Occasional Baths (131)

    39 The Bath of a Paramahaṃsa (134)

    40 Saṃdhyā Worship (135)

    41 Saṃdhyā of Paramahaṃsas (137)

    42 Inquiry into the Meaning of the Mystic Syllable o (139)

    43 The Muttering of o (141)

    44 Meditation on the Divinity of oṃ (142)

    45 Anouncement of the Muttering and Saṃdhyā (143)

    46 Saṃdhyā of Various Types of Paramahaṃsas (143)

    47 Saṃdhyā: Rite or Divinity? (146)

    48 The Study of Vedāntas (146)

    49 The Tarpaṇa (148)

    50 Divine Worship (150)

    51 The Process of Quintuplication (152)

    52 An Examination of the Meaning of the Great Upaniṣadic Sayings (153)

    53 Rules for Paying Homage to Renouncers (157)

    54 Description of Daily Practices–contd. (159)

    Mendicancy (159)

    The Types of Begged Food (159)

    55 Proper and Improper Food (160)

    56 The Begging-Bowl (163)

    57 The Procedure of Begging (164)

    58 The Procedure of Eating (168)

    59 The Evening Duties (172)

    60 Wandering (172)

    Pupilage of One Year (172)

    61 Wandering and Rain Residence (174)

    62 Rites Prior to the Rain Residence (181)

    Procedure of Cutting Hair and Nails (181)

    63 The Bath after Shaving (182)

    64 The Worship of Viṣṇu (183)

    65 Declaration of the Intent to Keep the Rain Residence (185)

    66 The Procedure of Conferring the Meditation Shawl (186)

    67 The Conduct toward a Guest (187)

    68 An Examination of Miscellaneous Rites (189)

    69 The Expiations (196)

    70 The Dignity of Renouncers (198)

    71 The Funeral Rites of Renouncers (199)

    72 An Examination of the Proper Time for Renunciation (204)

    73 Epilogue (205)


    Appendices (207)

    Note on the Purpose of the Appendices (208)

    Appendix I: Long Ritual Hymns Cited in the Text (209)

    Appendix II: A Glossary of Sanskrit Technical Terms and Maxims (215)


    General Index (219)

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