PDNRL No. 13 Patrick Olivelle: Renunciation in Hinduism. A Medieval Debate. Vol. I: The Debate and the Advaita Argument. Vienna 1986, 156p. EUR 26.-
Preface (9)
Abbreviations and Bibliography (11)
Part One: The Debate
I. Introduction (17)
II. Description of the Texts (19)
A. Advaita Texts (19)
B. Viśiṣṭādvaita Texts (22)
III. The History of the Controversy (26)
A. The Emblem of a Renouncer (26)
B. The Sacrificial Thread and Topknot (29)
C. The Staff (35)
1. The Symbolism of a Renouncer’s Staff (37)
2. The Single Staff and the Triple Staff: The Problem (42)
3. The Single Staff and the Triple Staff: The Controversy (52)
D. Dharma and Renunciation (54)
IV. Sacred Scriptures within a Debate (57)
A. Polemical Hermeneutics (57)
B. The Problem of Authenticity (66)
1. Vedic Authenticity (68)
2. The Authenticity of Smṛtis (74)
Part Two: The Advaita Argument
V. Śaṃkara: Commentary on Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 3.5.1 (79)
Text (79)
Annotated Translation (82)
VI. Ānandānubhava: Nyāyaratnadīpāvali (92)
Text (92)
Annotated Translation (99)
VII. Mādhava: Pārāśaramādhavīya (118)
Text (118)
Annotated Translation (126)
VIII. Pañcamāśramavidhāna (143)
The Edition of the Pañcamāśramavidhāna (143)
Critical Edition (146)
Annotated Translation (151)